Premier Custom Home Builder of Now and Forever Homes
Mission Statement
Our Vision: Foreman Builders is the premier builder of Custom Homes in the northern Shenandoah Valley.
Our Mission: Provide excellence in architectural design, elegance, and function in a custom home with dedication to quality, integrity and value.
Who We Are: Foreman Builders is a committed group of talented and experienced home building professionals dedicated and passionate about our mission.
What We Do: We build homes that offer lasting value for our clients and our communities through quality custom home building.
Who We Serve: We serve anyone planning to build a truly custom home, whether it is a 1,000 or 10,000 square feet in and around the Northern Shenandoah Valley.
How We Are Different: Convinced we work ultimately for the Lord, we honor Him by producing happy customers, delivering quality products and workmanship the first time; which allows us to generate revenue that can be utilized to reward our employees and contribute to the community.
Company Culture
Commitment: We are dedicated to customer satisfaction through the principles in our Mission Statement.
Integrity: We believe in consistency in conduct and action in all aspects of our business of building custom homes. Our values, expectations, words and actions are driven by the priorities of honesty, truthfulness, fairness and accuracy. The priorities we hold to are God, Family and Work, in that order.
Excellence: Individually and as a Team, we give ourselves to the success of one another and our customers. We constantly seek ways to improve our performance and meet the changing demands of our customers.
Ownership: We take ownership of our actions by understanding ourselves, taking responsibility; making no excuses and embracing the journey that happens in our daily lives; personally and at work.
Communication: We “speak the truth in love” in a transparent open way. We seek to congratulate others for their efforts and correct one another, as the situation warrants. We endeavor to make all our communications timely, accurate, above approach, encouraging and edifying.
Enjoyment: In reliance on Grace, we pursue our work with joy and gratitude. By supporting one another professionally, spiritually and emotionally, we experience happiness, enjoyment and fulfillment. We do this without losing sight of maintaining the important balance between taking our responsibilities seriously as well as having fun.
Erik and Susan Spittle

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